Medications for prostatitis: rapid and low-cost

The subject of prostatitis will always be relevant, as this disease affects more than 50% of the men, including young people from 25 to 30 years. Unfortunately the prostatitis develops for many reasons. This can be, as an infection, which penetrates into the prostate, the way of life, for example, the physical inactivity, which is stagnant phenomena in the pelvis, causing inflammation.

the treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a nasty and painful disease, as well as inflammation of the prostate gland is impaired urination, which is characterized by tolerance to the pain syndrome. Today, there are a lot of drugs, able to alleviate the symptoms, relieve pain and even cure the chronic prostatitis. Does the medication of prostatitis, it is best to take when the acute and chronic form of the disease, the most popular drugs for prostatitis affordable and effective, is described in this article.

The treatment of prostatitis in men: the medication

Regardless of cure to the prostatitis patient is impossible, even in the personal experience of people who have similar symptoms and described the treatment method in the forums, may not assist to overcome this disease. Why? The fact that the medicines prescribed by the doctor are fully compliant with their history. Medical therapy is assigned to the following criteria:

  • The age of the patient. The maturity of the people, the cardiovascular system, over the years, it weakens, and many of the medications of prostatitis in men, negatively affect the functioning of the liver, the kidney and the heart. The prescription of this fact should be taken into account;
  • The phase of the disease. If this is a prostatitis, are assigned to conservative medications, and when the inflammation reaches its climax, it is named intensive therapy and, often, is executed in the form of prostatitis be cured at a hospital;
  • Related ills. Often, along with prostatitis in men, identified urethritis, and other pathological state. Taking into account all these nuances, the specialist will give you most adaptable of the range of medications;
  • Individual contraindications. Given that the pathology of antibiotic treatment, and broad spectrum, the physician initially assigned a blood test, and it determines what group of drugs is effective to influence the inflammation.

Also for medical diagnosis urologist reveals the underlying cause of the inflammation. In 90% of cases of prostatitis causes the infection, but today have become more to establish the causes of the inflammation of the prostate:

  • The lesion of the genital organs;
  • The low physical activity (sedentary lifestyle);
  • Inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • Chronic constipation (obstructed defecation);
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia), etc
  • Hormonal error.

These are all factors that directly affect the prostate. Only by establishing the underlying cause of the disease, can assign quality and local the medicines that will help you quickly and effectively to cure the disease.

Does the medication for prostatitis best: a review of the pharmaceutical dosage forms

The medications of prostatitis in men must designate in an integrated manner, that is to say, there is a drug that acts on the inflammation and relieves the symptoms. When a doctor prescribes the therapy, it may include a variety of pharmaceutical forms, namely:

  • Rectal candles. Quickly remove the symptoms, to quench the pain and improve the flora;
  • Punctures. Normally assigned in the hospital, are the main treatment. The injections are applied in the execution form of prostatitis, because the medication is quickly absorbed in the affected tissues;
  • The anti-inflammatory drugs (not steroids). Effectively inflammation;
  • The instillation. This type of treatment suggests the introduction of a drug directly in the focus of the inflammation;
  • Microclysters. They were most popular in terms of the fight against the disease. Are assigned to the chronic prostatitis. Are made from herbs that help to reduce the inflammation of the prostate;
  • The pill. Often used when it is not to the determination of the etiology. These include broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Each type of medicine has its features of application. Combine several types of medications the doctor can only, knowing the medical history of the patient. It has been shown that the holistic treatment more quickly helps to remove the pain syndrome and to heal a pathological state.

medications for prostatitis

Pills for prostatitis affordable and effective

Action of the medication of prostatitis haven't been invented yet. There are a number of medications that will help relieve the symptoms, but the treatment of the condition may take 7 to 14 days. If the doctor determined that the cause of the prostatitis is an infection in the first place, is assigned antibacterial.


Primarily assigned to the broad-spectrum antibiotics, which contribute to the destruction of many types of pathogens. Currently, there are three major groups of antibiotics:

  • Tetracyclines;
  • Penicillins.

Pain medications

Presented by the group of medicines makes life easier for many patients who suffer of the execution and of the acute form of the prostate. Apply the medications of prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate, therefore, are used in all parts.

Stimulating the circulation of the blood<

For any other type of pathology is altered in the circulation of the blood in the body. Therefore, the acceptance of this group of medications is inevitable.

Rectal candles

Are used for the rapid withdrawal of the symptoms. In addition, this form of medicine in the sense that it does not pass through the stomach, and does not act to the detriment of the blood, the liver, and the kidneys.


If all of these drugs have strict of the combination, which knows the doctor is, the ingestion of vitamins for men is high for any type of treatment, as well as the body during the treatment exert a strong tension and stress. Chronic course of the disease, strongly strikes the protective functions of the body.